My First Article is Getting Publish

If I haven't told you before, I'm telling you now: I'm making a Master Thesis. This is a Master Thesis at the old Portuguese levels, that is, for the rest of the world it is like I'm making a second Master Thesis.

Well, names ans systems aside, I'm making a Master Thesis. As part of that Thesis I wrote a while back an article for a conference. Well, the article was accepted and I ended up presenting it in the conference.

I though the story ended there, but no. Today I received an email inviting me to have my article published in a technical magazine. Of course I said yes: it's something to put on my CV and a good compensation for the nights I lost writing it.

The crazy part is that GMail marked the message that contained the invitation as SPAM! I was lucky that my Thesis Adviser also received it and asked me if I was going to send it. I was completely in the dark. I'm not saying that GMail's SPAM marking is bad. In fact, this is the first time it failed and I would probably catch it in my usual SPAM scanning. I usually scan the titles of the messages and until now all off them had something about Viagra in it...

Well, I sent the article and I can't wait to by the magazine. I wonder if they will send me a sample?


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