Accepting an Offer...

This was a different week. The company I work for is moving locations and I considered their offer unacceptable. Well, they made another offer and I decided to accept it. Although I feel like I sold myself, I can't stop and think that I'm still taking a huge risk. Part of what was proposed to me still hasn't been confirmed and three years from know I'll probably be loosing money if I continue in the company. I'm still thinking if I should sign the agreement without having this confirmation. It makes the risk even greater.

But with that fact aside and if things go according to the plan I'll start working on the new location next Friday. I honestly believe that things won't go according to the plan because it involves changing 80 persons from 4 different locations to a new building that is from 4 to 250Km where those persons currently work. It involves changing people's machines, bindings, pencils, lab machines that are almost never turned off, the UPS, phones and so on. If things work smoothly it will be due to those that are involved in the change. I say this because the plans are still being written as I write this...

But all changes have a bitter side. There are already people that announced that they are leaving. There many reasons to leave, but the main one is the fact that the new location is too far away and they simply don't want to change because they would loose a lot of money every single month. There are those that will accept the proposal but will always be on the lookout for other opportunities. These are the ones that need the money and will be loosing money every single day, but they have loans to pay. This all leads to a break in the team spirit. A spirit that has been struggling to survive for a long time.

On top of that I honestly believe that it will be harder to find new workers in the new location. The location where I'm working today is is close to 3 Universities that pump out workers every year that meet our exact requirements. The new location has only 1 University close to it and doesn't seem to pump out any real worker, you know, the kind that actually writes source code. But it seems there is another University that is not so close to the new location that also pumps out workers that meet our requirements. Since those guys don't have almost anything in the region and end up moving to the major cities, the company will offer them a different alternative. The price is the traveling time. Maybe they will end up thinking like I'm thinking: if the traveling time starts to be a burden I'll simply move closer to work...


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