The Building, Life and the Laptop...

It is funny how things turn out some times. No matter how many plans you make, destiny will always throw a curve ball at you. You may plan it all out: what to do, when to do it, even how to do it. But the fact is that when you try to actually do it, things will blow up in your face.

The last entry I made in this blog was about the building I'm currently working on. Funny thing is that it has been over a month since I blogged and the building is still under constructions. But since someone very important, like the President, is coming for the official opening the work has suddenly switched into Warp 5 Speed. You have painters working side by side with welders; technicians configuring the elevator; technicians testing the air conditioning and more. The end result is that nobody can actually get any work done in the mist of all the noise and smell of paint.

On top of that the building still has no full electrical power. We didn't work for a whole morning so the power company could make whatever it needed to connect the building to the power grid without restrictions. It turns out that the power company only checked if the installation had been properly performed. Luckily last Monday was a working bridge for us so their plan was to use it to make the final connection. I will know if it all went well tomorrow, when I arrive their and push the power button on the PC. I won't have any communications or servers, but if the AC is working and pumping hot air I'll be a happy man. I say this because during the tests they were testing it for cold air, like if the building needed any cooling...

My life has took a couple of turns the last month. I have been feeling a little stressed out and tired. It is probably due to the new working location and everything that is happening, but it has gotten me thinking if I made a good decision when I signed the agreement to move. And lately the company has made a push in the direction of the "Not a Good Decision". They paid what was written in the agreement, but they either forgot to mention or didn't matter to tell me that my salary would suffer a 10% cut in the month the agreement was paid. This is on my agenda for tomorrow, but I'm getting a little tired of all this. I should learn not to expect anything good or to believe in what I am told when discussion working conditions. We changed for good to terrible and they are still hitting us on top of that.

Finally a note on my Laptop: I have a laptop that has more then 6 years of age. Even after I bought the laptop it wasn't the top notch of its time. I bought it because it seemed a good compromise and I'm glad I did it because it hasn't left me down ever since. It is true that I added more memory to it and that I changed the hard drive for a bigger and faster one, but even so it definitely was a good choice. I loaded it with Gentoo several years ago and I have been using Gentoo on it ever since. I though I would have changed to Ubuntu by now, but I'm afraid that Ubuntu won't be as fast as Gentoo so I'll stick to Gentoo. These days I have finally upgraded GCC to 4.1.1. This is something I had been delaying for over 6 moths because it requires a full rebuild of the system. Have a 6 years old laptop running non-stop for more then 3 days means that the laptop is definitely good. As a bonus the laptop will have XOrg 7.2 and maybe I'll try Beryl and see if it kicks-ass...


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