Helping out OpenStreeMap

It has been a while since I have last posted but I hope to do it more often. Don't ask me why. I guess that if you are in the bottom you loose all will to do anything. But a two weeks vacation and a few changes in both my personal and professional life and I'm starting to see the light at the end of tunnel.
But that is enough drama, on to the goal of this entry.
I made my very first contribution to the OpenStreetMap. Think of it like a Wiki that is a map of the whole world. Since my country doesn't have a nice coverage I decided to hack my GPS to track my trips and share them. Then I edited my first roads (two fully and a part of one) and they are already appearing on the site. Next step is to add more roads.
Want to help out? You don't even have to edit the roads. Just trace your trips and upload them they will help others since the more information the more accurate the map will be.


  1. Hi!

    "I decided to hack my GPS to track my trips and share them"

    Just for curiosity, what model is your GPS ?

    I had to "hack" mine also. It's a shame that such basic funcionality is not supported by Autos GPSs. It is available long ago by marine/outdoor GPSs.


  2. Hi!

    I'm using a TomTom Go v3 Europe. Since it runs Linux under the hood I found a tool called tracker that tracks your movements as both an itenerary for later replay and GPX, which is great for OpenStreetMap.



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