Simplified Option Icon 255 on Gentoo
I have an Option Icon 255 from work to use when I'm out of the office. It is a 3G USB pen. I've used many outside scripts and graphical user interfaces but I never liked them. They crashed a lot and never seemed natural. Also I wanted a script that actually worked all the time instead of failing sometimes because it took the device a couple more seconds to register in the network.
My solution: a mix of udev and shell scripts.
First I made udev rules for the device. I want it to always have the same name on the /dev file system and that as soon as I connect it to the laptop it should validate the PIN and register in the network.I created a "49-hso.rules" (hso is the name of the kernel driver for the device) in the "/etc/udev/rules.d" folder as follows:
The magic is all in "/etc/hso" (I created this folder to hold all the scripts). First I created the "setPin" script as follows:
The "/etc/hso/con-chat" script referenced is as follows:
Now that you are connected you need to be able to disconnect :-). The script is very simple:
My solution: a mix of udev and shell scripts.
First I made udev rules for the device. I want it to always have the same name on the /dev file system and that as soon as I connect it to the laptop it should validate the PIN and register in the network.I created a "49-hso.rules" (hso is the name of the kernel driver for the device) in the "/etc/udev/rules.d" folder as follows:
ACTION!="add", GOTO="hso_end"I copied these rules from here. They should work with other hso devices, but I never tested it.
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Control", SYMLINK+="wctrl0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Application", SYMLINK+="wapp0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Application", SYMLINK+="wappa0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Application2",SYMLINK+="wappb0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Diagnostic", SYMLINK+="wdiag0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Diagnostic", SYMLINK+="wdiaga0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Diagnostic2", SYMLINK+="wdiagb0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="Modem", SYMLINK+="wmodem0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="GPS", SYMLINK+="wgps0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="GPS_Control", SYMLINK+="wgpsc0"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{hsotype}=="PCSC", SYMLINK+="wpcsc0"
KERNEL=="ttyHS[0-9]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0af0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6971", RUN+="/etc/hso/setPin"
The magic is all in "/etc/hso" (I created this folder to hold all the scripts). First I created the "setPin" script as follows:
#!/bin/bashI leave the tmp file as I might want to debug it. The "chat-pin" chat script is the following (remember to put your PIN where "PIN-HERE" is written since I removed mine):
( /usr/sbin/chat -E -s -V -f /etc/hso/pin-chat < /dev/wctrl0 > /dev/wctrl0 ) 2> $OUTPUTFILE
ABORT ERRORYes, the "^m" are on the spot. You may need to adapt the apn name (mine is internet). If you have a user and password will have to add it to the AT+CGDCONT command. Just check the wiki for it. With these steps you should be able to plug the device and notice that it registers with the network. To connect to the network I created a "/etc/hso/connect" script as follows:
"" ATZ
OK "\d\d\d\d\d\d\dAT+COPS=?^m"
OK "AT+CGDCONT=1,,\"internet\"^m"
while [ -z "$PIP" -a "$COUNTER" != "------" ]
echo "trying$COUNTER"
sleep 2
( /usr/sbin/chat -E -s -V -f /etc/hso/con-chat <$DEVICE > $DEVICE ) 2> $OUTPUTFILE
if [ -z "$ISERROR" ]
PIP="`grep '^_OWANDATA' $OUTPUTFILE | cut -d, -f2`"
NS1="`grep '^_OWANDATA' $OUTPUTFILE | cut -d, -f4`"
NS2="`grep '^_OWANDATA' $OUTPUTFILE | cut -d, -f5`"
if [ -z "$PIP" ]
echo "We did not get an IP address from the provider, bailing ..."
echo "Setting IP address to $PIP"
ifconfig $NETDEV $PIP netmask up
echo "Adding route"
route add default dev $NETDEV
echo "Adding name servers"
( echo nameserver $NS1 ; echo nameserver $NS2 ) | resolvconf -a $NETDEV
echo "Done!"
The "/etc/hso/con-chat" script referenced is as follows:
ABORT ERRORAnd with this it should work. Notice that I'm using openresolv to manage my name servers. If you aren't then you probably are better of changing the "connect" script to copy the previous resolv.conf and replace it with another. I just prefer to have openresolv since it takes care of things such as restarting the nscd (Naming Service Cache Daemon, if you are wondering). My end goal is to use dnsmasq and to route only the DNS requests to the company VPN. For that I'm better off using openresolv.
"" ATZ
OK "AT_OWANCALL=1,1,0^m"
OK "\d\d\d\d\dAT_OWANDATA=1^m"
OK ""
Now that you are connected you need to be able to disconnect :-). The script is very simple:
#!/bin/bashAnd you also need a chat script in "/etc/hso/dis-chat" as follows:
ifconfig $NETDEV down
/usr/sbin/chat -V -f /etc/hso/dis-chat <$DEVICE >$DEVICE 2> /dev/null
resolvconf -d $NETDEV
TIMEOUT 10And that should do it. At least it works for me :-)
"" ATZ
OK "AT_OWANCALL=1,0,0^m"
OK ""
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